Cluster Box Units Provide USPS a Trusted Way to Combat Identity Theft and Deliver the Mail

cluster box

Identity theft concerns grew for the U.S. Postal Service as more and more USPS customers began to become victims of the crime. The Postal Service in an effort to do their part in helping their clients began to seek out ways to improve the security of commercial mailboxes. Surprisingly, the increase in identity theft provided the Postal Service additional saving benefits for their mail deliveries. These benefits led to today the cluster box unit being the preferred mode of delivery for the USPS for all new developments

The cluster box unit was developed by a collaboration of the USPS officials, industry associations, and commercial mailbox manufacturers in the late 20th Century and the beginning of the 21st Century. Cluster box units feature robust tenant locks that hook into the receptacle frame and make break-ins a monumental chore. In addition, the virtual seamless design of the cluster box further deters unwanted guests. The dual use outgoing mail compartment and mail carrier access door has a saw tooth plate strategically located in the interior of compartment to prevent mail fishing. All these security features and more have proved to make this commercial mailbox a proven combatant to help thwart identity theft.

The enhancements of commercial mailbox security have helped decrease the amount of identity theft incidents related to mail delivery. Because of the success of the security improvements made to the cluster box units the development of the 4C mailbox for wall installations was brought about. Now that security of the mail has improved the Postal Service hopes that the more frequent installation of centralized mail receptacles help provide the savings of mail deliveries as well. Most industry insiders agree that centralized mailboxes will help the Postal Service in saving money, however competing against technology advancements that cost next to nothing may prove difficult. Therefore, it may behoove the Postal Service to diversity its service to survive the in the 21st Century.

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